About me

I’m Constantine Aaron Cois, a software engineer with 15+ YOE living in Colorado Springs, CO. I have an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh, where my research was on software frameworks and algorithms for medical image analysis. I’m currently a Staff Engineer at Secureworks, focused on platform architecture and software innovation. I’m also an adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University, where I’ve taught for over a decade, and am a regular speaker at tech conferences.

I’m passionate about technology and education, specifically helping others to become software developers. I have deep experience in teaching, curriculum development, and training for both individuals and enterprise - feel free to reach out if you have a need in this space.

I’m a polyglot developer, which I define as having no attachment to any particular language or framework. I prefer to keep myself sharp and adaptable, able to choose the best tools for a given project. This approach keeps me working regularly with a wide variety of technologies, and constantly learning new things.

Feel free to reach out, always happy to chat about nerdy things.